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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Some Astro insights for the market turn short term

Starting today as Mars is about to match Uranus we will get very volatile markets (energy) for a few days, close to the Venus retrogade on Friday which was the market turner back March 6th, hence that will mark the Top of wave A up as well.

The technical pattern and numbers confirm as they did at the bottom and on top we have a Goldman secondary which qualifies for this top. Back 18 months ago the IPO of Blackrock was also a similar timing event which are not coincidences.


This could be quite an interesting week. Two important geocosmic conditions end this week. First, the “translation” of Mars to the Saturn-Uranus opposition, which began April 4, will end April 15. The market has risen to a new high (or secondary highs) already during this period, so the implication is that it could suddenly reverse. With Mars and Uranus involved in a conjunction, any decline now may be very sharp. However, it need not last long. It is interesting to note that this translation has coincided with a fatal earthquake in Italy, devastating fires in Oklahoma, and tornadoes in the Midwest. As stated in last week’s column, “In terms of nature, it (Mars translation) can coincide with fires, explosives, as well as tornadoes, earthquakes, or volcano eruptions.”

The second important financial astrology event is that Venus ends its retrograde motion when it turns direct on April 17. According to our studies reported in “The Ultimate Book on Stock Market Timing, Volume 3: Geocosmic Correlations to Trading Cycles,” Venus direct is one of the most powerful and consistent astrological correlates to primary or greater cycles within an orb of ten trading days. The most powerful correlates are referred to as Level 1 signatures. The Mars-Uranus conjunction of April 15 is a Level 1 signature too, and so is the Venus-Mars conjunction of April 21, the next week. That is three Level 1 signatures within only six calendar days! Furthermore, in the three following days (April 22-24), both Mars and Venus will leave Pisces and enter Aries, the end and beginning of the zodiac. All of these signatures suggest a much higher than usual probability of a very important change in investor sentiment—and hence a trend reversal—in several financial markets.

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